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- [x] I was born into a family of gifted psychics. My father could read minds and enjoyed telling people what they were thinking. My mother could also read minds, but she had a higher power. She was blessed with the ability to concentrate on a person's desire and make it come true!
- [ ] I, too, am blessed with my mother's power. And because I believe I have been given this power for a reason, I have vowed to assist anyone of pure heart who comes to me.
- [x] As you are reading this I can "see" you already. You do not believe this? Then listen carefully:
- [ ] I can hear your heart beat. I can feel your pulse. I know you are a good person, but I also know you live with regrets of what could have been. And right now you want me to help you--help you get more money, get more love


Question posée le 14/06/2023

Par Maamtifah

Département : (20)

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