Questions juridiques

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Droit de l'immobilier

Neighbour claiming my house damaged hers
Sinistres habitation, assurance (incendie, dégât des eaux)

I have a house in Rouvenac that needs renovated and is uninhabitable.

I got a letter for my Neighbour insurance company MAIF, saying my house is leaking into hers and causing damage and I am responsible and they want me to inform my insurance company about the damage and ned my insurance details.

How can they claim that it is my fault when there has been no inspection/survey done? just my neighbour saying it is my fault.

I had a builder look at my house and says he cannot see any damage coming from my house.

What can I do, speak to MAIF or inform my insurace company?

Question posée le 28/05/2012

Par Neil65

Par Jean arnaud NJOYA (Avocat)

Date de la réponse : le 28/05/2012

Dear Sir,

I think, it's better for you to inform your insurance company.She knows the procedure in this kind of damage. you have a second solution: it's to take a lawyer to help you...A judiciare expertise will be doubtless useful.

Good day

Jean arnaud NJOYA (Avocat)
7 rue Taylor
PARIS 75010
Cabinet : NJOYA
Tél : 0661548442
Fax :
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